2017 Taiwan’s Best Sommelier Competition



今年 『社團法人台灣侍酒師協會』舉辦[第五屆台灣最佳侍酒師大賽];勝出者駱柏廷 先生榮獲2017台灣最佳侍酒師之頭銜,並將與全台國際比賽經驗最豐富資深的侍酒師何信緯 先生一同代表臺灣參加國際侍酒師協會(ASI, Association de la Sommellerie Internationale)2018年10月在京都(日本)所舉辦的亞洲暨大洋洲最佳侍酒師大賽(Contest of the Best Sommelier of Asia & Oceania)。本屆冠軍也將取得2019年世界最佳侍酒師大賽-台灣代表候選人資格。

恭喜 駱柏廷 選手奪冠本屆台灣最佳侍酒師!也恭喜 羅弘叡 選手榮獲亞軍、陳冠璋 選手獲得季軍、盧楷文 選手獲得殿軍。


社團法人台灣侍酒師協會 敬上

The 2017 Taiwan’s Best Sommelier Competition has completed as well. Mr. Po-Ting LUO has achieved the champions as well, congratulations! Furthermore, we also congratulate to Mr. Ray LO who has awarded the second prize, Mr. Kuan-Chang CHENG awarded the third prize, and Mr. Kevin LU awarded the fourth prize. That's completely a tough mission for all yours! 

TSA would like to thank you all the guys whom have devoted your time and expertise in order to aid the success of this competition. 

Sincerely Yours 

Taiwan Sommelier Association